Get To Know Yourself

I am a HUGE fan of self awareness. Self awareness is the ability to recognise aspects of our personality, behaviour, emotions, motivations, and thought processes without any self criticism or negative self talk. It's important to be self aware because if you don't know yourself, how can you expect to become better? You need to … Continue reading Get To Know Yourself

Your CV: A Recruiter’s Perspective

Every day, in the UK alone, there are thousands of web searches around CVs. This means that the same links and articles are clicked by thousands of people and the same templates and phrases are used time and time again. This could explain why so many CVs (students and grads in particular) look and sound … Continue reading Your CV: A Recruiter’s Perspective

9 Career Tips

My word for 2018 is commitment and recently, I decided to commit to self-improvement through constant knowledge consumption. I have realised that knowledge really is power. Knowing things makes you better in every single way: more interesting, more determined, more self-aware. First, I set myself a goal to read 50 books this year (approx. 1 book … Continue reading 9 Career Tips

8 Apps You Need in 2018

What do you want for yourself in 2018? For me, 2018 is all about internal focus and commitment to self development; it's about becoming the person I need to be to live the life I want. As most of us are always on the move or always on our phones, I thought it would be … Continue reading 8 Apps You Need in 2018